APA 7th Edition citation examples and formatting guide
View examples for how to format citations at APA's website or use the Houff Library's APA 7th edition citation handout. This handout provides examples for formatting Works Cited information and in-text citations.
You are only responsible for including information that is readily available to you through the resource itself—for example, if a book does not supply an edition, you do not need to include that information in your citation. Also of note, Title of book is in sentence case, though proper nouns continue to be capitalized.
You are only responsible for including information that is readily available to you through the resource itself—for example, if a book does not supply an edition, you do not need to include that information in your citation. Also of note, Title of book is in sentence case, though proper nouns continue to be capitalized.
Print Source |
Citation for Works Cited page |
Book with 1 author
Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Date of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition) [excluding first ed.]. Publisher Name.
Brown, L. S. (2018). Feminist therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association. |
Book with 2+ authors
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition) [excluding first ed.]. Publisher Name.
Christian, B., & Griffiths, T. (2016). Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions. Henry Holt and Co. |
Book with editor(s) only
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., (Ed. or Eds.). (Date). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition) [excluding first ed.]. Publisher Name.
Pridham, K. F., Limbo, R., & Schroeder, M. (Eds.). (2018). Guided participation in pediatric nursing practice: Relationship-based teaching and learning with parents, children, and adolescents. Springer Publishing Company. |
Book with an author and editor credited on book cover |
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of book: Subtitle if any (First Initial Last Name, Ed.). Publisher.
Meadows, D. H. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer (D. Wright, Ed.). Chelsea Green Publishing. |
Chapter of an edited book
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of chapter: Subtitle if any. In First Initial. Last Name of editor (Ed.), Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition., pp. #-#). Publisher Name.
Weinstock, R., Leong, G. B., & Silva, J. A. (2003). Defining forensic psychiatry: Roles and responsibilities. In R. Rosner (Ed.). Principles and practice of forensic psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 7-13). CRC Press. |
Book with corporate author that is the publisher |
Corporate Name. (Date). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition) [excluding first ed.].
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). |
Short Stories, Essays, or Articles from a Book or Anthology |
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Ed.). (Date). Title of book: Subtitle if any. Publisher.
Gold, M. (Ed.). (1999). The complete social scientist: A Kurt Lewin reader. American Psychological Association.
Nursing Textbook (1 Volume in a multivolume set or series) |
Editor, E. E. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition., Vol. #). Publisher. DOI if available
Callahan, B. (Ed.). (2019). Nursing: A concept-based approach to learning (3rd ed., Vol. 1.). Pearson. |
You are only responsible for including information that is readily available to you through the resource itself—for example, if a book does not supply an edition, you do not need to include that information in your citation. Also of note, Title of book is in sentence case, though proper nouns continue to be capitalized.
Electronic Source |
Citation for Works Cited page |
Article from an online database with a DOI
Omit DOI if none |
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Title of Journal, vol. #(issue #), page numbers. DOI or permalink
McCauley, S. M., & Christiansen, M. H. (2019). Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychological Review, 126(1), 1-51. https://doi.org/10.1037/rev0000126 |
Article from an online database with an article number or eLocator |
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., (Date). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Title of Journal, vol. #(issue #), Article e#. DOI
Burin, D., Kilteni, K., Rabuffeti, M., Slater, M., & Pia, L. (2019). Body ownership increases the interference between observed and executed movements. PLOS ONE, 14(1), Article e0209899. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209899 |
Article from an online news source
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Title of Newspaper. URL
Guarino, B. (2017, December 4). How will humanity react to alien life? Psychologists have some predictions. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/12/04/how-will-humanity-react-to-alien-life-psychologists-have-some-predictions/ |
Authored eBook with a DOI |
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of book (edition.) [excluding first ed.]. Publisher. DOI or permalink
Brown, L. S. (2018). Feminist therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/000092 |
eBook with an editor
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., (Ed. or Eds.). (Date). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition) [excluding first ed.]. Publisher Name. DOI
Schmid, H.-J. (Ed.). (2017). Entrenchment and the psychology of language learning: How we reorganize and adapt linguistic knowledge. American Psychological Association; De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.137/15969-000 |
Chapter for an ebook contained in a database
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date). Title of chapter: Subtitle if any. In First Initial. Last Name of editor (Ed.), Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition., pp. #-#). Publisher Name. DOI or permalink
Weinstock, R., Leong, G. B., & Silva, J. A. (2003). Defining forensic psychiatry: Roles and responsibilities. In R. Rosner (Ed.). Principles and practice of forensic psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 7-13). CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b13499 |
Website with author and publisher |
Last Name, First Name. Name of Website. Publisher or Sponsoring Organization if different from author, Date of Publication or Last Modified date if given, URL.
Martin Lillie, C. M. (2016, December 29). Be kind to yourself: How self-compassion can improve resiliency. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health |
Website written and published by an organization or with no author |
Author Corporate Name. (Date). Title of the page. Name of the Publishers/Name of Organization [omit publisher if it is the same as the Author]. URL
World Health Organization. (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization and vaccine safety. https://www.who.int/features/qa/84/en/ |
Online Video from a sharing site like YouTube |
Last Name, First Initial or Corporate Name [Name of Channel]. (Date). Title of video [Format]. Name of Streaming Site. URL
Fogarty, M. [Grammar Girl]. (2016, September 30). How to diagram sentence (absolute basics) [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deiEY5Yq1qI |
Statista |
Name of Organization. (Date of publication). Title of Document/Graph. [Format]. Statista. URL
Social Media Examiner. (2024). Leading social media platforms used by marketers worldwide as of January 2024 [Graph]. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/259379/social-media-platforms-used-by-marketers-worldwide/ |
Podcast streamed from a website
(If accessed via an app, omit the URL) |
Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Role). (Date of publication). Title of the episode (Episode #) [Format of podcast]. Publisher. In Title of Podcast. Publisher (if different than author/host). URL
Glass, I. (Host). (2011, August 12). Amusement park (No. 443) [Audio podcast episode]. In This American life. WBEZ Chicago. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/443/amusement-park |
An in-text citation gives credit to the source of the information used in a paper or other assignment and directs the reader to the Works Cited page at the end. The in-text citation generally is placed at the end of a sentence, as shown in the examples below. In-text citations may refer to general information paraphrased from the source (no direct quotation) or to a specific quotation from the source (direct quote from source in quotation marks). Always provide in-text citations when using information from sources. Below are examples of common formats. No page numbers required unless using a direct quote. For in-text citations: when noting page numbers use p. X for a single page or pp. X-X for a page range.
In-Text Citation Examples |
Source with one author |
Parenthetical citation: (Brown, 2018) Narrative citation: Brown (2018) |
Source with 2 authors |
Parenthetical citation: (Christian & Griffiths, 2016) Narrative citation: Christian & Griffiths (2016) |
Source with 3+ authors |
Parenthetical citation: (Burin et al., 2019) Narrative citation: Burin et al. (2019) |
Source with corporate author |
Parenthetical citation: (American Psychological Association, 2013) Narrative citation: American Psychological Association (2013) |