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Faculty Services and Resources at Houff Library: Using EBSCO Resources

Full list of EBSCO resources

EBSCO databases have been updated to a new user interface. This guide will provide some tips and tricks for using the new user interface.

We recommend creating an account with EBSCO to keep track of your research history and saved articles. Check out this page for more information.

For a full list of EBSCO databases, check this link: EBSCOhost (link opens in new tab)

New EBSCO Home Screen

The new home screen for EBSCO databases is comprised of two main parts: the account tools (in purple) and the search mechanism (in red).

If you would like to create an account, the new system includes ways to easily save your articles, create a "project folder" to organize your saved resources, and can keep track of your research journey and the resources you have viewed. 

Or, you can jump right into searching by using either a single keyword, or using multiple search boxes and boolean operators to create a complex query. All search filters are located beneath the search box.

New Filter Options

You can also access the filters after you have performed a search. The full drop-down menu is available by clicking "All filters."

Session Expiration

EBSCO resources now function within "sessions." You can access your search term history and a list of articles viewed from the dashboard menu at the left of the page. One issue of this new interface is that your research session will expire after 20 hours. This may occur in several situations, including if you leave your session window open, or if you have not refreshed your internet browser in a while. 

To start a new research session when one expires, you must close the database page in your browser, then reopen the database, and click sign-in when prompted. You will not be forced to make an account, or sign-in. To avoid losing your work, it is best to create an account and sign-in during each research session.

Any specific questions on the new user interface? Check out this topic page directly created by EBSCO! 

Article Viewing Options

There are two ways to view an article. One option is as a PDF; PDFs will show the article as it was published, including all pictures and charts. You can also view articles in an online format. Any supplemental resources like pictures of charts may be inaccessible, or available as attachments. The online format includes menu options for translating articles, or having them read aloud. 

New Article Menu Options

Once you have opened your article of choice, your menu options will be located at the top of the page. The online version will include the translation feature. There are fewer tool options on the PDF version. See below for what each menu icon means.

Download (Options for PDF or HTML link) 

Translate function
Table of Contents

Text to speech - Audio playback option to have article read to you
Save item - must have an account to save long-term

Citation tool - this is a machine generated process, please check all citations against our resources
Save to project - must have an account to save long-term
Share - save to Google Drive / One Drive, grab the permalink URL, or email option

Video Tutorial