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Library Technology Guide: Databases

Using Library Databases

You can access our online library databases by clicking on the Articles/Databases link on the library homepage. This will take you to our full A-Z list of databases. In these databases you can find a variety of material types, from peer-reviewed articles, to full text ebooks, and even video streaming options. For a full list of databases see the menu below:


Finding The Best Database For Your Research

Looking for resources on a specific subject? You can filter your database options to focus on databases that specialize in specific subject areas. If you are off-campus, you will need to sign-in using your myBRCC credentials. Check out our guide for more information on off-campus access.

Need Help?

There are several ways to contact librarians for assistance:

 Visit us in G236/2nd Floor Houff Student Center

 Email at:

 Call Us: (540) 453-2247

Link to Blue Ridge CC directory Use the Library Directory to connect with a specific librarian 

 Use EAB Navigate to schedule a 30 minute, one-on-one meeting with one of our librarians 

Need help with something after-hours? Visit the Ask a Librarian page! Options include a live chat with 24/7 access to a librarian who can help you. 

Link to Ask a Librarian service